The Third part of our Running series is here. Strength Training for Runners, If you missed the first two find them here:
Couch to 5Km
Running Injury Free

Over the many years of treating runners, I have discovered that they either ignore strength training and just run more, or have been told previously “you need to get stronger” but are very confused what this means. Often just have a go at “core” exercises (we need another blog to clarify what this means!). Some fears for a lot of runners is that they will end up looking like a body builder which will add weight, effect their running and slow them down!

If strength training is applied, executed and progressed correctly it will improve your running, improve your times, allow you to run longer and could even prevent injuries. Other benefits could include reducing body fat and make you leaner.

Look at Mo Farah’s Plan: Here

We must also state, that as well as strength training a regular runner must also find a good combination of flexibility, balance, mobility and recovery into their training. Running is one of the most time efficient ways to exercise.

When we run, we use almost every muscle in our body not just our legs. Our hips, pelvis, trunk, shoulders, arms and head (Paula Radcliffe used her to a few gold medals!). Therefore, when considering introducing a strength program into your routine you must consider how you can incorporate these.

For this blog, I have put together two workouts for you to try. Often with runners there could be a specific issue which could be preventing them from improving or one that leads to a reoccurring niggle or injury. If this is or becomes the case, Summit use a specific running assessment called the Running Matrix. It can identify specific weak links in your movements which are unable to identified from gait analysis alone. From here one of our team can provide a more specific correction program individually tailored to your needs.

If we wish to find out more information on this visit Summit Injury Prevention and Performance
To book an appointment just Click Here

Workout 1:

• Backwards lunge with rotation
• TRX single leg squat
• Plank with knee drive (elbows on ball)
• Single leg deadlift with band
• Half Side plank with hip clam

Workout 2:

• Stability jack-knife with press up
• Superman
• Triple extension squat
• Lateral lunges
• Side plank with knee flexion/extension

(Workout Pictures to follow)

Give them a try and let us know your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter . With each exercise, you want to work up to being able to complete 10 GOOD reps. For some of you this may require practice and patience! And yes patience often needs practice. If you want any versions of easier or harder please just ask, we are here to help.

If you film yourselves completing the workouts and post them on our social media, you will receive 20% off any treatments at Summit.


Mo Farahs Typical Training Schedule
Runners World
The Best Strength Training Exercises for Runners

get in touch...

Our network of clinics is based in Lancashire & Greater manchester and is run by our team of dedicated practitioners.

The address details for each clinic are listed below for appointments, for general enquiries or anything you'd like to know prior to booking, please use the contact form or email us and we'll be in touch ASAP!

Alternatively, we can be reached on

Urban Reform, 106 Temperance Street, Piccadilly, Manchester, M12 6HR

Wrightington Hotel & Country Club, Wigan, WN6 9PB

David Lloyd Health Club, Moss Lane, PR6 8AB 

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